Terms of Sale

Terms of use

For commercial relations operated through the website of the company Percussionline.com, owner of the RingoMusic brand and of the website www.ringomusic.net, and its customers, the following general terms and conditions of contract.

General conditions or rules differing from those indicated have no legal validity.
Percussionline.com declines, for any reason, any responsibility relating to the impossibility of using or reaching this website and the services connected to it.

Percussionline.com cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of computers whether they are owned by Percussionline.com or by third parties (including users registered on the site).

Percussionline.com cannot in any way be held responsible for damages resulting from the failure or incorrect provision of services relating to the website due to incorrect or non-functioning of the software, applications or computers connected to it or interacting with it. these caused by constructive structural defects or caused by users registered on the site or by other people who have access to the network.

The products shown online do not constitute any form of legally binding offer and are indicated for informational purposes only as an online catalog for the display of the product line, the same information accompanying the product must be considered indicative and subject to what is communicated by the suppliers and by the manufacturing companies.

The contract stipulated between Percussionline.com and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even if only partial, of the order by Percussionline.com, which reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept the order. Acceptance is considered tacit, unless otherwise communicated to the Customer in any way within 30 days. By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the general and payment conditions transcribed below.

The Percussionline.com company also reserves the right to deny the service offered, in the event that the products are no longer available, even after the conclusion of the sales contract and despite the fact that the financial transaction of the same contract has been concluded. Any form of compensation provided by the customer and related to the resulting unavailable product will be refunded. Therefore, any legal action by the customer against Percussionline.com is excluded.

Qualora un ordine effettuato dal cliente non venga saldato entro 10 giorni dalla sua creazione, Percussionline.com si riserva il diritto di annullarlo; in caso di acconti e/o anticipi versati su ordini non saldati in toto, Percussionline.com emetterà un buono spesa della validità di 12 mesi, utilizzabile dal cliente per l’acquisto di qualsiasi prodotto, di valore pari all’acconto e/o anticipo ricevuto.
In case of payment of a deposit, this will be linked exclusively to the purchase of the goods ordered by the customer.

I prodotti mostrati online sul nostro sito non costituiscono nessuna forma di offerta legalmente vincolante e sono indicati a scopo puramente informativo come catalogo online per l’esposizione della linea di prodotti, le stesse informazioni che accompagnano il prodotto, esclusione fatta per il prezzo di vendita, devono considerarsi indicative e subordinate a quanto comunicato da fornitori e aziende produttrici.

Orders generated by the website can be shipped only and exclusively to places belonging to the European Community. Percussionline.com reserves the right to refuse any other order that has as a place of delivery to countries other than those indicated in the checkout phase.

Shipping - Delivery methods.

Shipments are made by Express courier e l’assicurazione della merce e relativa spedizione è opzionale, dando facoltà al cliente se integrarla al momento dell’ordine. Le modalità di consegna prevedono che i colli vengano recapitati presso il piano strada. In nessun caso è prevista, da parte del corriere, la consegna ai piani.
Al corriere verranno comunicati i recapiti telefonici forniti dal cliente in fase di ordine e il cliente riceverà tracking via mail per poter seguire la spedizione e dare al corriere eventuali disposizioni per la consegna.

Raccomandiamo di fornire un indirizzo al quale si è sicuri che ci possa essere qualcuno per il ritiro della merce (vicino/parente/amico/etc.): in caso contrario il corriere lascerà comunque un avviso con la possibilità di concordare nuovamente la consegna.
Inoltre, su spedizioni non ingombranti, è prevista anche la possibilità di ritiro presso pick-up point di prossimità (es. tabaccherie, edicole, supermercati, negozi, punti di ritiro, etc.) in modo da agevolare il cliente qualora ne facesse richiesta.

In general, the information about the delivery dates are to be considered indicative and therefore not legally binding. In no way is the selling party responsible for delays in delivery by the express courier, of any kind. The selling party is also not responsible for any damage that the delay in delivery may cause to the customer, who by accepting these conditions of sale relieves Percussionline.com from any responsibility in this regard.

Upon delivery of the goods by the courier, the customer is required to check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document and that the packaging is intact and not damaged in any way (eg packaging that arrives dented, crushed, tampered with or otherwise). To further protect the customer, each shipment made by Percussionline.com is subjected to different checks and each package is sealed with personalized guarantee tape.

In case of irregularities, the customer must sign the document issued by the courier adding the wording "control reserve" specifying the reason (eg damaged / missing cardboard / etc.) And communicate it to Percussionline.com within 24 hours of receipt of the shipment, only in writing by email at amministrazione@ringomusic.net or by fax at +390117497363.
Failing this, the customer declines the courier from any responsibility and releases Percussionline.com from any competence and responsibility in this regard.

Shipping insurance is an option chosen by the customer, who can select it at checkout (payment).

We carry out dozens of shipments a day and pack everything in the best possible way: this can also involve the disassembly of the instruments (eg batteries) so that they can travel safely and free from transport damage.

Upon request and by agreeing the costs, the shipment of the instrument already agreed is also carried out.

Terms of payment.

On our site you can pay via credit card (all Visa, Visa Electron Postepay and MasterCard circuits), Bank transfer, direct charging on Postepay (from any post office, betting shop, tobacconist's and / or affiliated companies), mark, Satispay, Klarna, finanziamento, Bonus Docente, is HeyLight.

For the credit card, the transaction is transferred to a secure banking circuit (SSL3) and is absolutely safe: in no way will Percussionline.com have access to the customer's data.
For the bank transfer, the customer receives the details via email when placing the order.
For the Postepay recharge, the customer receives the details via email when placing the order.
For cash on delivery, the customer pays cash directly to the courier upon delivery of the goods.
For Satispay, the transaction takes place via the app on the customer's smartphone by framing the automatically generated QR code.
For Klarna, the payment is divided into 3 installments, without interest, following the procedure at checkout and having a credit card number at hand: only for payments with Klarna a shipping address in Italy is required.
Per HeyLight il cliente segue direttamente le istruzioni al checkout: verrà indirizzato al portale dedicato e potrà caricare in autonomia i suoi dati, scegliendo il piano di finanziamento con durata e numero di rate. 
Per il finanziamento “classico” il cliente verrà contattato telefonicamente da Percussionline.com: in base al tipo di spesa e di durata scelta può non essere necessaria busta paga o documento di reddito ed è valido anche per clienti residenti in altre regioni, senza bisogno di recarsi fisicamente in negozio.
Per il Bonus Docente il cliente dovrà inviare all’indirizzo mail info@ringomusic.net il codice generato dalla sua applicazione (nella categoria “Hardware”).

Other payment methods will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (e.g. postal order), and must be previously agreed with the administrative office via email at the address info@ringomusic.net or by telephone at the number +39 011 74.97.363.


All new products purchased from Percussionline.com benefit from the manufacturer's warranty of two (2) years from the date of the receipt, or invoice, issued at the time of shipment of the goods.
All used products, purchased from Percussionline.com, make use of the guarantee provided directly by Percussionline.com, for a period of six (6) months from the date of the receipt, or invoice, issued at the time of shipment of the goods.
In caso di interventi in garanzia come riparazioni, sostituzioni e cambio merce, Percussionline.com declina ogni responsabilità in merito ad eventuali ritardi dipendenti direttamente dai fornitori e/o dai centri di assistenza.

Product condition and availability.

All prices published on our site are understood to include VAT with the exception of the category of VAT-exempt goods (margin regime, regulated by article 36 of decree law 41 of 1995, relating to used and ex-demo goods) and are anchored to the conditions of purchase and the price lists in force at the time of loading in our. computer system errors or omissions excepted.

New products: means new and packaged instruments and / or displayed at our point of sale (ours is also a physical store)
Ex-demo products: instruments displayed at fairs, collected by suppliers, endorsers, private collectors, used for clinics and / or demonstrations or withdrawn for incorrect purchase
Used products: instruments that are perfectly functional and tested by our specialized technicians
Outlet products: instruments in overstock, no longer treated or no longer in the catalog (e.g. colors of previous editions, models previous to the current ones, etc.)

The availability of the products is synchronized between the physical warehouse of Percussionline.com and that of the suppliers to which the brands treated refer: while always guaranteeing a large stock ready for delivery, we will promptly notify the customer in case of shortages and / or delays in delivery by proposing, if the customer requests it, also alternatives according to his needs.
Percussionline.com is not responsible for errors in the availability of goods due to the IT systems of the company and / or suppliers and / or for delays in their delivery.

Legenda disponibilità prodotti sul nostro sito:
Disponibilità immediata: in stock presso nostro magazzino, consegna e/o spedizione immediata
Disponibile in 7gg: in stock presso il fornitore, consegna e/o spedizione in circa 7gg lavorativi
Disponibile su ordinazione: non disponibile presso nostro magazzino né da fornitore, ma comunque ordinabile

Invitiamo comunque i clienti che intendessero recarsi fisicamente presso il nostro negozio a contattarci per verificare in tempo reale la disponibilità dei prodotti presso il nostro punto vendita.

Right of withdrawal.

Sales of products via the Internet are governed by article 50 to art. 68 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 - Consumer Code - SECTION II - DISTANCE CONTRACTS.
This legislation provides in favor of the consumer the right to withdraw from contracts or contractual proposals, guaranteeing him the right to return the purchased product and to obtain a refund of the price of the goods.

The right of withdrawal does not apply to audiovisual products and sealed computer software products opened by the consumer, to products such as wind instruments, microphones, headphones, earphones or noise reduction plugs.

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised if the product is not intact, that is:

  • in the absence of the original packaging received;
  • in the absence of integral elements of the product (accessories, cables, instruction manuals, etc);
  • for damage and/or obvious use of the product.

The right of withdrawal is reserved exclusively for consumers (natural persons who purchase goods not for purposes related to their professional, commercial or entrepreneurial activity), therefore it cannot be exercised by legal persons and by natural persons acting for purposes related to the activity. professionally carried out.

In the event that the customer decides to return the item, he will have to bear the shipping costs to send the same to our office. It will also be the user's responsibility to ensure the necessary protection of the item, in order to avoid damage during transport.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary to communicate to Percussionline.com, within 14 calendar days of receipt of the goods, the desire to withdraw from the contract by contacting the administrative office of the shop on the number +39 011 74.97.363by sending an email to the address amministrazione@ringomusic.net or by fax to the number +39 011 74.97.363.

Once the return has been agreed, the return shipment will be charged to the customer, who will have to contact an express courier and send the goods insured, and must be able to provide a tracking code for the shipment.

The reimbursement of expenses will be made by bank transfer made within 30 working days from the moment of receipt of the goods at our office and against full control. To this end, the customer must indicate his bank details necessary for the operation.
Al cliente verrà rimborsato il solo costo dei beni resi, al netto dei costi di spedizione; nel caso in cui il cliente abbia beneficiato della spedizione gratuita, questo importo sarà comunque defalcato dal rimborso (es.: acquistato un articolo da 210 Euro con spedizione gratuita, al cliente sarà rimborsato il valore di 195 Euro, considerando 15 Euro di spedizione).

The return shipping costs are charged to the customer who assumes responsibility for the shipment itself (for this reason we recommend that you insure the shipment).

In case of free gifts and / or bundled offers, all items received together with the article for which the right of withdrawal is exercised must be returned.

The right of withdrawal does not apply in the event of the purchase of goods made to measure or personalized (eg musical instruments customized by color, size or configuration).
Il diritto di recesso non si applica in caso di permute.
Customers who purchase with a VAT number cannot exercise the right of withdrawal.

The right of withdrawal is lost if the Customer does not return the goods to Percussionline.com within 14 days from the date on which he communicated the withdrawal. The term is considered respected if the Customer sends the goods before the expiry of the 14 days. The right of withdrawal also lapses in the event of a substantial defect in the returned product (lack of internal packaging and/or documentation and/or original packaging from the manufacturer; absence of integral elements and accessories of the product; damage; unsuitable state of return; obvious wear and tear of the same or its accessory parts) and in general in the event of non-compliance with the conditions listed above. In all cases of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, Percussionline.com will return the goods to the Customer (with the return shipment to be paid by the latter) who will not be entitled to any refund.
If the goods show signs of wear in its accessory parts (e.g. skins marked on an acoustic drum) Percussionline.com will withhold from the amount due to the customer the amount necessary to replace these parts in order to be able to resell the goods in their original conditions .

It is understood that Percussionline.com will not refund the goods subject to the withdrawal, if it does not receive the relative delivery.


I clienti registrati al sito possono accumulare punti per ogni acquisto effettuato: ogni punto equivale ad 1 Euro e può essere scalato dagli acquisti successivi. I punti possono essere riscossi entro 6 mesi dalla loro emissione e valgono per qualsiasi prodotto presente sul sito.
Percussionline.com si riserva il diritto di revocare i punti a suo insindacabile giudizio e/o di cessarne l’utilizzo in qualsiasi momento.

Processing of personal data.

Personal data is collected by Percussionline.com with the sole purpose of activating the procedures for the execution of this contract and the related necessary communications towards the customer; these data are processed electronically in compliance with the laws in force and may be exhibited only at the request of the judicial authority or other authorities authorized for this purpose by law. The data will not be disclosed to third parties.